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Social Policy Actions to Face Emergencies

This section is a joint initiative of the Pacific Alliance and ECLAC that aims to provide a space for exchange on social policies to address various emergencies and disasters, with special focus on non-contributory social protection initiatives. In a first stage, the information included here refers to measures developed by the member countries of the Pacific Alliance to address the socioeconomic consequences derived from the various restrictions that were implemented to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Title Country Type
Debtor Support Programme (Programa de Acompañamiento a deudores) bandera-colombia Colombia Payment Facilities
Donations in kind bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind
Early Childhood Food Baskets (Canastas nutricionales a la primera infancia) bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind
Economic incentive for farm workers and producers over 70 years of age (Incentivo económico para trabajadores y productores del campo mayores de 70 años) bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers
Economy for the People (Economía para la Gente) bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind
Electricityand gas service (Servicio de energía eléctrica y gas) bandera-colombia Colombia Price Control, Basic Services
Eviction moratorium (Suspensión de desalojos) bandera-colombia Colombia Price Control
Exemptible credit for the payment of kindergartens and private schools fees bandera-colombia Colombia Payment Facilities
Facilities and postponement of public services payments (Facilidades y postergación del pago de servicios públicos) bandera-colombia Colombia Payment Facilities, Basic Services
Families in Action (payment of additional cash transfers) [Familias en Acción] bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers
Food for La Guajira (Alimentos para La Guajira) bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind
Hands that Feed (Manos que Alimentan) bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind
Housing subsidies (Subsidios de vivienda) bandera-colombia Colombia Payment Facilities
Humanitarian assistance for victims of the conflict (Giros de atención humanitaria a las víctimas del conflicto) bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers
Price control for essential products (Control de precios a productos de primera necesidad) bandera-colombia Colombia Price Control
Rural subsidy - Water supply (Subsidio rural - Servicio de agua) bandera-colombia Colombia Transfers in Kind, Basic Services
School Feeding Programme, 'PAE at Home' (Programa de Alimentación Escolar, 'PAE en Casa') bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers, Transfers in Kind
Shops for the People (Tiendas para la Gente) bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers, Transfers in Kind
Social Protection Program for the Elderly - Colombia Mayor bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers
Social welfare – value-added tax (VAT) relief (Giro Social- Compensación por el Impuesto del Valor Agregado (IVA)) bandera-colombia Colombia Cash Transfers, Tax Relief