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Bandera de Chile
Payment Facilities

Middle Class Protection Plan 1: Exceptional application process for the higher education credit (Plan de Protección Clase Media 1: Proceso excepcional de postulación al crédito para la educación superior)

Date announced


Date of last update



Students will be able to apply for a higher education credit. This is aimed for the 90% most vulnerable, whose income has dropped, as well as for students without scholarships or who do not receive free education.

Official Sources

Prensa Presidencia de Chile (07-05-20). 'Presidente Piñera anuncia plan de protección para la clase media con beneficios en vivienda, educación y financieros: “Necesita seguridades y oportunidades para el futuro”'. []

Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (07-06-20). 'Ministros Monckeberg y Rubilar entregan detalles del Plan de Protección de Clase Media'. [].

Gobierno de Chile (visto el 07-10-20). 'Plan de Protección Clase Media'. []

Characteristics of the measure

Type of measure

Payment facilities (6)


Access to education (5)

Target population

The 90% most vulnerable population whose income has dropped. In addition, students without scholarships or who do not receive free education. (1) (14)

Informed coverage

130,000 students