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Social Policy Actions to Face Emergencies

This section is a joint initiative of the Pacific Alliance and ECLAC that aims to provide a space for exchange on social policies to address various emergencies and disasters, with special focus on non-contributory social protection initiatives. In a first stage, the information included here refers to measures developed by the member countries of the Pacific Alliance to address the socioeconomic consequences derived from the various restrictions that were implemented to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Título País Tipo
Bonus for cultural workers bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Covid Christmas Grant (Bono Covid Navidad) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
COVID Grant (IFE-Preparation and Opening) (Bono COVID (IFE-Preparación y Apertura)) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
COVID-19 Emergency Grant (Bono de Emergencia COVID-19) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Delivery of sanitary protection elements to long-stay centers for older persons. bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Delivery of tablets to users of the Abriendo Caminos programme bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Digital Connection Plan for seniors bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Emergency Family Income 2.0 for Covid-19 (IFE 2.0, Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia 2.0 por Covid-19) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Emergency Family Income for Covid-19 (Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia por Covid-19, IFE) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Empowered patient program bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Financing for Indigenous Entrepreneurs and Microentrepreneurs bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers, Transfers in Kind
Flexible conditions for credits given to Drivers (Acceso a préstamos blandos para transportistas) bandera Chile Chile Payment Facilities
Food for Chile programme (Alimentos para Chile) bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Healthy Food Delivery to Community Pots (Entrega de Alimentos Saludables a Ollas Comunes) bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
IFE Universal Grant (Bono IFE Universal) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
IFE-COVID Extended Grant (former IFE COVID (IFE-Quarantine and IFE-Transition) [Bono IFE-COVID Ampliado (ex Bono IFE-COVID (IFE-Cuarentena e IFE-Transición)] bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Junaeb Basket (Canasta Junaeb) bandera Chile Chile Transfers in Kind
Middle Class Protection Plan 1: Exceptional application process for the higher education credit (Plan de Protección Clase Media 1: Proceso excepcional de postulación al crédito para la educación superior) bandera Chile Chile Payment Facilities
Middle Class Protection Plan 2: Rent subsidy for the middle class (Plan de Protección Clase Media 2: Subsidio de arriendo a la clase media) bandera Chile Chile Cash Transfers
Middle Class Protection Plan 3: Flexible credit program for the middle class (Plan de Protección Clase Media 3: Programa de créditos para la clase media) bandera Chile Chile Payment Facilities