Chile Qualifies (Chile Califica) (2002-2009)
This programme aims to establish a continuing education and training system in order to improve the conditions of empleability for the active population, specially from the vulnerable segments of the population that do not have completed formal education. Then, it provides training and adult education according to the work they do in their job.
Persons between 18 and 65 years with unfinished education or without any education.
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Government of Chile; the World Bank
1) Flexible modality
Young and Adult people over 18, who did not complete basic or secondary education and for different reasons -work, health, family care or other- have not much time for attending school.
2) Regular modality
Adults over 18 years that, for labour, healht or other reasons could not start or complete their studies of basic and secondary education; young people which are doing their military service; persons privated of their liberties in penitenciary centres.
Consultoría destinada a establecer un diagnóstico de la actual modalidad de validación de estudios y una propuesta para su absorción en el Sistema Nacional de Evaluación y Certificación de Estudios
Universidad de Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial; Universidad de Chile
Evaluación en Profundidad Programa Chilecalifica
Santiago Consultores
Impact Evaluation