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Bandera de Chile
Labour and Productive Inclusion Programmes

I work -Youth (Yo Trabajo- Jóvenes) (2007- )




The programme is aimed at young people living in poverty and/or social vulnerability who have difficulties in developing their productive capacities. In order to improve the employability conditions and achieve the integration of young people into the labour market, technical advice on job training, the development of a plan for accessing the labour market and support for integration into the labour market are provided. It is a prerequisite to have started basic education (at least). The programme also offers the possibility to develop a project for self-employment. The programme has a maximum duration of 7 months and offers a support of CLP$180.000 for the work plan.


Target population

Young people, preferably between 18 and 29 years of age, unemployed (unemployed and looking for work for the first time), inactive or in precarious work and with a Social Protection Card score of 8,500 points or less. They belong to the first 2 income quintiles and are in poverty or extreme poverty.

Geographic scale


Targeting method

1) Proxy means test 2) Categoric: unemployed people or with precarious works

Instrument of selection

Social Household Registry (Decree 22, 2015)

Registry of recipients

Social Household Registry

Exit strategies

Have participated in the activities of the two components of the programme.


Young people prioritised according to their Social Protection Card scores and other regional criteria. There are 1,300 places for young people coming from the Chile Solidario or Seguridades y Oportunidades Subsystem. Changes in the intervention strategy due to the health context: A remote modality was implemented, ensuring that the programme's objectives are met, the emergency execution was reduced by one month, and there were no changes in coverage.


Responsible organization(s)

FOSIS /Ministry of Social Development and Family

Executing organization(s)

FOSIS /Ministry of Social Development and Family

Source of funding

Government of Chile

1) Job training


All programme recipients

Recipient of the transfer

Direct recipient


Duration up to 7 months

2) Job placement or intermediation

Recipient of the transfer

All programme recipients


Duration up to 7 months

Evaluación de Impacto de los Programas de Empleabilidad del Fondo de Solidaridad Social (FOSIS) del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social


Centro de Microdatos



Publication info

Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile


Impact evaluation