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Social Indicators

The availability of timely statistical information on the social reality and public policies is essential for analysis that enable the development of knowledge and decision-making processes. The Social Observatory of the Pacific Alliance, in partnership with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean – ECLAC, contributes to the dissemination of relevant social data both from member countries and from Latin America and the Caribbean. This is done by connecting the Observatory with CEPALSTAT, a platform that systematizes and documents the information produced by official national bodies and international agencies, as well as a set of relevant social indicators to describe the regional situation, which constitutes a significant contribution for a wide spectrum of statistical data users.

This connection allows access to statistics and periodic indicators, either through the consultation of interactive tables, maps and graphs, regional and national profiles based on a set of key social indicators. The user can export data and cross-tabulate indicators to produce real-time tables combining data from different series and/or countries and/or periods, allowing the inclusion of external geographic layers. Each of the variables is associated with a set of metadata that includes the description of the sources used, the definitions and other relevant characteristics of the same.

The responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the information lies with ECLAC and the national sources to which it uses, depending on the type and characteristics of the indicator being analyzed.

Statistics and indicators