More Able (Más Capaz) (2014-2019)
More Able aims to support women, youth and persons with disabilities who are in a situation of social vulnerability to access and remain in the labor market, through technical training, skills development and job placement in order to promote their employability. The program has five different programmatic areas: + Able, + Able disabled people, + Able continuity of studies, + Able remedial education and + Able entrepreneur woman.
Women between 18 and 64 years, men between 18 and 29 years: Men and women undertaking 4th high school technical-professional education: Men and women with parental responsibility aged 16 and 17 years: Women and men aged 18 to 50 with disabilities: and men and women offenders aged 14 to 64. Participants must be within 60% of the vulnerable population and have little or no labor force participation (what it means to have six or less than six contributions in the last 12 months)
Categorical Proxy means test (Socioeconomic classification)
1) Social Protection Registry 2) Contribution density equal to or less than 50% in the last 12 months (little or no labor force participation).
From Antofagasta, Aysén and Magallanes regions people within the 80% of the vulnerable population according to Social Registry of Homes (Registro Social de Hogares) can apply. In the case of people with disabilities or criminal offenders, there is no need for vulnerability percentage.
Supreme Decree N°101/2014 Supreme Decree N°17/2016
National Service of Employment and Vocational Training (SENCE)
National Service of Employment and Vocational Training (SENCE)
Government of Chile
1) Job training
All programme recipients
Direct participant
2) Labour intermediation
All programme recipients
Direct participant
3) Certification of labour skills
All programme recipients
Direct participant
4) Grants and subsidies
All programme beneficiaries
Direct participant
5) Social and labour support
All programme recipients
Direct participant
6) Remedial education
All programme recipients
Direct participant
7) Other education
All programme beneficiaries
Direct participant
The program will offer a scholarship for technical studies and a maintenance grant to a percentage of program participants who have completed high school fourth grade
8) People with disabilities
Women and men aged 18 to 50 with disabilities
Direct participant
The participants must prove the disability situation through at least one of the following documents: Sing up in the National Disability Registry; medical certificate; disability situation resolution issued by COMPIN; Act of emission of disability certificate of Civil Registry; Bill of invalidity pension or basic solidary pension of disability.
9) Enterprising women
Women aged 18 to 64 that develop or intend to develop an economical entrepreneurship or independent work
Direct participant
In order to approve the courses, it is mandatory 75% of attendance to the training stage and a 75% of attendance to the final hours of the course.
In order to receive a subsidy of tools the participants must initiate the cost-estimate of the assets, that is needed to endorse through invoices and/or bills. This must be approved by her tutor and according to the business plan.
Evaluación de implementación y caracterización del Programa Más Capaz año 2015 Mujer Emprendedora. Informe Final de Resultados.
ClioDinámica Consulting
ClioDinámica Lta Consulting
Estudio caracterización de usuarios y proveedores, y evaluación de implementación y procesos del Programa Más Capaz año 2015
ClioDinámica Consulting
ClioDinámica Lta Consulting
Capacitación laboral para la autonomía económica de mujeres en situación de pobreza. El caso de Chile.
Muñoz Rojas, C
Serie Asuntos de Género No 149, CEPAL, Naciones Unidas, Santiago de Chile
General study
Caracterización de la participación laboral en Chile
Tomaselli, A.
CEPAL, Naciones Unidas, Santiago de Chile
Informe final de Evaluación Programa Más Capaz
Figueroa, Noelia (Coord.)
Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social, Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo
Evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa +Capaz, línea Discapacidad- Informe de Evaluación del Diseño
Quantitive and qualitative evaluation
Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de la implementación del piloto + Capaz. Informe final de la consultoría
ClioDinámica Ltda
ClioDinámica Lta Consulting
Quantitive and qualitative evaluation