Women head of household (Mujeres Jefas de Hogar)(2007- )
The programme aims to contribute to the labour inclusion of women, delivering tools to overcome the main access barriers to get in the labout market. Thus, the programme offers and articulates different services to the participants, such as: labour training, vocational training (between 80 and 300 hours), labour intermediation, entrepreneurship support, studies leveling, access to care services and dental health.
Women aged 18 to 65 years old who belong to the first three income quintiles
Proxy means test
Social Household Registry (Decree 22, 2015)
All programme participants
Changes in the intervention strategy due to the health context: The program expanded its delivery modality from face-to-face to remote and mixed. The implementation of the components incorporated the telematics or internet, which allowed the participation of all registered users, who met the requirements and had the connectivity and equipment to access and enjoy the services considered in the Program.
Law No. 20,595
National Women Service and Gender Equality (SERNAMEG)
Local Districts
Government of Chile
1) Job training workshops for dependent and self-employed women.
All programme participants
Labour training is executed by the National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE)
2) Access to a network of support for employability.
All programme participants
Labour training is executed by the National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE)
3) Intersectoral work with support to improve employability conditions.
All programme participants
There are agreements with FOSIS and SERCOTEC to set exclusive seats on their training programmes to the participants=s. Local governments assist to this component through their Productive Development Agencies.
Executive Summary. Final Report. Santiago, Chile.
Impact evaluation
Capacitación laboral para la autonomía económica de mujeres en situación de pobreza. El caso de Chile.
Muñoz Rojas, C
Serie Asuntos de Género No 149, CEPAL, Naciones Unidas, Santiago de Chile
General study
Evaluación de impacto. Programa Nacional de Mujeres Jefas de Hogar
Guernica Consultores
Impact evaluation and results